Hire Africa's best

Tech Talents

Access Best African Tech Talents and Build Your Dream Team in Just 48 Hours – Even on a Tight Budget


Your Modern-Day Recruitment Company

Baaraku is a recruitment company devoted to finding the best talents in Africa that suit our clients’ Human Resources needs.

Our candidates have passed through carefully designed screening stages and have been certified fit to get the job done. Whatever company goals you have, we are prepared to leverage our strengths and make your work easy for you

Technical Talent from the African Continent

Hire Our Goal-Driven Talents

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Why Take A Chance On Hiring Wrong?

We deep dive into our clients’ distinct corporate cultures and growth ambitions. Then we go the extra mile to curate the best African talents from diverse backgrounds. Baaraku is a native African word that loosely means “a part of you.”


Be in the know of the latest trend happening in the African tech Ecosystem.
Learn how new technology helps your organisation grow.


Grow your team with professionals from Baaraku.

Our team is ready and waiting to hear from you. Specify your ideal candidate, your job requirements, and schedule a meeting with our team of recruiters.

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